Friday, March 13, 2015

4th Grade Lesson - Careers

What do you want to be when you grow up? This is a question our children have been asked since they were toddlers, but it is time for our students to begin thinking seriously about this question. In just a few short years, our students will have the opportunity to choose classes directly related to their chosen college and career path. We want our students to be ready when that time comes!

The purpose of our 4th grade career lesson is to expose students to a variety of different careers and help students match various careers to their interests and abilities. We achieve these goals in two ways.  First, students complete an interest inventory in which they respond to 42 statements with either "yes" or "no". They tally their yeses in each category of the inventory and then receive a list of jobs that they might be interested in based on their totals in each category. Second, we play a Career Jeopardy game in which students learn about the educational requirements for a variety of jobs and learn more about the types of jobs out there. We are only able to explore a sampling of jobs so we encourage our students to explore further on their own.  We stress the fact that people are often happier with their career choice when they are interested in their job and can do their job well. We want our students to become happy, successful adults!

There are many resources out there to help your children explore careers. Below are just a few I have found that may be of interest to intermediate age students.

Ask your child about our lesson and about the career they are thinking of pursuing. Many of our students want to be professional athletes, singers, actors, and actresses. We encourage them to continue pursuing their dreams but to also have another plan just in case those careers don't pan out. It's never too early to prepare for the future!

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